
   姓      名:杜旭升
   学      历:博士研究生
   职      称:讲师
   专      业:动物医学
   联系方式: E-mail: duxusheng12345@163.com












  1. 山东省家禽产业技术体系疫病岗位科学家项目,家禽免疫抑制病的流行病学调查及防控研究(SDAIT-11-04),2013-2020200万元,参与。

  2. 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作项目,中英全球食品安全:家禽健康发展中的肿瘤病控制(31761133002)2018.01-2020.12140万元,参与。

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,禽白血病病毒J亚群诱导免疫耐受发生的分子机制(31672521)2017.01-2020.1263万元,参与。


1. Du X, Zhou D, Zhou J, Xue J, Li R, Cheng Z. RIOK3-mediated Akt        phosphorylation facilitates synergistic replication of Marek's disease and reticuloendotheliosis viruses.Virulence.2022 Dec;13(1):1184-1198. (二区,5.428

2. Du X, Zhou D, Zhou J, Xue J, Cheng Z. Marek’s disease virus and Reticuloendotheliosis virus co-infection enhances viral replication and alters cellular protein profiles. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.2022. 9.854007 (二区,3.471

3. Du X, Zhou D, Zhou J, Xue J, Wang G, Cheng Z. Marek's disease virus serine/threonine kinase Us3 facilitates viral replication by targeting IRF7 to block IFN-β production. Vet Microbiol. 2022 Mar;266:109364. (一区,3.246

4. Li G, Du X, Zhou D, Li C, Huang L, Zheng Q, Cheng Z. Emergence of pathogenic and multiple-antibiotic-resistant Macrococcus caseolyticus in commercial broiler chickens. Transboundary and emerging diseases.2018, 65(6), 1605–1614. (一区,4.214

5. Zhou J, Zhou D, Du X, Xue J, Yang J, Wang G, Cheng Z. Interaction between Avian Leukosis Virus Subgroup J Surface Protein and Doublecortin-Like Kinase 1 Accelerates Cell Proliferation and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. J Virol. 2022 Mar 23;96(6):e0165721. (二区,6.549

6. Zhou D, Xue J, He S, Du X, Zhou J, Li C, Huang L, Nair V, Yao Y, Cheng Z. Reticuloendotheliosis virus and avian leukosis virus subgroup J synergistically increase the accumulation of exosomal miRNAs. Retrovirology. 2018 Jul 3;15(1):45.(二区,4.183

7. 杜旭升,周静,周德方,成子强. MDVREV体外共感染状态下宿主细胞的蛋白组学分析.中国畜牧兽医学会兽医病理学分会第二十五次学术交流会、中国兽医病理学家第四次研讨会论文集.2019:257-269.



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